Bill To Revert To Old National Anthem And Government Continuous Wild-Goose Chase!

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Could this be as a result of joblessness on the part of the House of Reps Members or what exactly?

Mixed reactions have continued to trail the recent proposal by the Nigeria’s House of Representatives to move from the current National Anthem to the old National Anthem.

Well, these our political leaders, especially the lawmakers will not fail to disappoint as always. People who have contributed insignificant portion to the betterment of the country, but are more concerned by frivolous things.

Looking at the state of the nation, the worsening poverty level, high cost of living, foreign exchange rate, insecurity and too many to mention, then it is the issue of which national anthem to use is the most pressing issue for them?

If this is not as a result of joblessness, what else? If these people have more important things that concerns the growth, development and betterment of the country on their table, they won’t have the time for such wild-goose chase adventure.

I just want to know, this bill, if finally passed into law, of what economic, political and otherwise benefit it will be to the entire country? These tells you the calibre of people we blindly elect into leadership positions. And you can imagine the speed with which this inconsequential bill reached the third readings.

Should it be an important bill that will benefit both the nation and her citizenry that was brought up for debate, I bet you it will be plagued by all manner of devilish politics and stagnation, such that in the end, it will not see the light of the day.

Look at the last general election in the country, we all saw the many flaws that trailed the election, have these bunch of jobless people thought of pursuing a bill to address all these issues, towards having a better and credible election in the future elections? No, because such are not important to them, because they need such loopholes to always manipulate their way to the corridors of political power.

These people should at least for once, disappoint our expectations about them and put up a show worthy of massive applause from the people. For Christ sake what’s the benefit of this kind of bills to the country, especially at a critical time like this? God forbid bad thing!



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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