Ten (10) Most In-Demand Lucrative & Skilled Jobs In Canada For Foreigners & New Comers in 2024.

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For those seeking to relocate abroad to better their lives, we have researched and come up with 10 most in demand jobs in Canada for foreigners…

In recent years, Canada has faced shortage of skilled workers across different fields, and The Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) which is initiated by the Canadian government in ensuring that the country attracts significant amount of foreigners to fill in these lacking skilled workers in the affected sectors.

As such, this becomes a golden opportunity for foreigners seeking to relocate overseas in search of greener pastures to take up such opportunities and equally live permanently in Canada.

1) Industrial Electrician: workers in this very field are actually in high demand across Canada, basically because of their importance in different work places.

They play important roles when it comes to installing, repairing and maintaining electrical equipments, machines, gadgets, etc, in factories, plants, and more. And it has been predicted that in few years to come, the available workers in this field will be surpass by the number of job openings in the field as well.

Meanwhile, requirements include but not limited to, secondary school education, certification in relevant fields, years of apprenticeship in the field, etc.

According to our research, industrial electricians are in high demand in parts of Canada like Saskatchewan, Ontario, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and other parts.

Salary: Industrial electrician earn between $30-50 per hour.

2) PLUMBING: Skilled workers in this field are in high demand in places like Yukon, Manitoba, Alberta, Nova Scotia and more

They are basically needed in industrial and residential settings, for the repair, installation or maintenance of plumbing equipments for either water supply in homes, industries, factories, etc, and for some other purposes.

In most parts of Canada, you are required to posses relevant certifications, including diploma in plumbing, apprenticeship/work experience for a certain duration, and others.

Salary: An average plumber in Canada earns between $30-40 per hour, or slightly above.

3) CARPENTRY: Skilled workers in this field are in high demand in many parts of Canada like Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Yukon, North West territories.

For eligibility requirements, you are expected to have a secondary education certificate or equivalent in relevant institution/vocational training, and few others easy to get certification/requirements.

Salary: Carpenters in Canada earns between $30-40 per hour, depending on your experience.

4) WELDING: Welders are highly needed in places like Saskatchewan, Scotia, Nova, Prince Edward Island, Alberta, etc.

On the other hand, they are vital in the aircraft, metal production, shipping, automobile and other heavy equipment/machinery sectors. Though some welders may prefer to work independently, or doing theirs based on contract, and all still pays well.

Relevant certifications and experience are needed, like certificates for training, apprenticeship, etc. But these are easy to meet requirements once you are knowledgeable and experienced in the field.

Salary: Welders earn between $26-42 per hour. You might earn up to $300 daily, depending on your strength and capacity.

5) COOK: One good thing about this field is the fact that it doesn’t mean you will only work in the kitchen cooking. You can work under this field supervising kitchen, providing training, planning menus, managing foodstore, budgeting food items, etc.

You can work in different spheres like kitchen, hospitals, events, schools, restaurants, or work independently once you know what you are doing. There’s even those working for community living institutions, were you prepare meals for guests, residents, etc.

While little mandatory requirements are needed here, but you must have required certificate to take up senior roles in any part of the country except Yukon. This is simply because COOKING is a regulated occupation in Canada.

Salary: You earn between $15-30 per hour.

6) TRUCK/LORRY/FORKLIFT DRIVING: Workers in this field are actually high in demand in places like Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Yukon, Northwest territories, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Alberta, etc.

They have wide range of working environment like truck drivers can take up jobs as drivers of cement mixers, tractor, tow, freight etc. You can take up jobs to drive truck for long or short distance in transport and delivery companies.

Also, you can get employed in sectors like the manufacturing, distribution, etc. Meanwhile, if you want to work independently, you are allowed as long as you meet necessary requirements in the country.

Requirements include a driver’s license which corresponds with the particular vehicle you can drive. There’s equally a mandatory three months driving course, etc.

Salary: Workers in this field earn between $24-33 per hour, or slightly more than that, with some other incentives.

7) HAIR STYLING: This is one of the most high in demand fields in Canada, mostly in places like New Brunswick, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Labrador, Newfoundland, Ontario, etc.

Most hairstylists basically have their work in barber shop, salons, training schools, theater settings, etc. While some others prefers working as an independent hairstylists.

Requirements include work knowledge, experience, apprenticeship training certification, basic education certification like secondary school, etc.

Salary: You earn between $15-27 per hour.

8) AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN: Workers in this field are high in demand in places like Yukon, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island, and some others.

And their work is basically to inspect, repair and diagnose automobiles that requires valuable knowledge on the mechanical, electronic and electrical components.

Workers here are highly skilled and knowledgeable in understanding the mechanical, electronic and electrical aspects of vehicles, which helps them in offering needed advice and guidance to customers/vehicle owners about the condition of their vehicles, and the services/repairs needed as well.

It is such a highly technical job, which requires significant and requisite knowledge, experience and certification.

Salary: They earn between $27-40 per hour, or even more.

9) INDUSTRIAL MECHANIC: They commonly work in places like manufacturing settings and utilities. Basically, their duty is to install, maintain and fix equipments and machinery in these industries.

Their demand are mostly high in parts of Canada like Saskatchewan, Quebec, Newfoundland, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and even in Labrador, etc.

You are required to be experienced and knowledgeable in the field, including possessing other necessary certifications like apprenticeship certificate of training, others. But certification is not unified in Canada, as it differs based on province.

Salary: They earn between $32-45 per hour, depending on individual added experience, knowledge and specialization.

10) CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICIAN: Their services are highly needed across the country, as they basically work in installing, testing, repairing and maintaining electrical equipments and systems in both residential, office and industrial buildings.

Their services are much in high demand in same regions as the above (Industrial Mechanic). And as usual, work experience, knowledge and basic certifications are required, especially when it comes to taking up higher roles/jobs, you must meet up with some of these requisite certifications.

Salary: They earn between $30-46 per working hour.

NOTE: The information provided here doesn’t stand as a substitute for your personal enquiry on both the work you can settle for or region you are heading to. Because the information are subject to changes due to several factors beyond our control. Also, endeavour to seek further guidance from your lawyer, travel agents, etc, for additional information.

(Photo Credit: Google Photos)



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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