Wow: How This Teenage Boy Escaped Kidney Failure After Proper Medical Intervention!

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A certain teenage boy has had a reason to smile again and be happy like his fellow children…

The boy is was previously admitted at the Nnobi Teaching Hospital, in Nnewi Anambra state on the ground that he has a kidney failure. Upon getting information about the boy’s health condition, he started receiving interventions.

One of the major interventions came from popular South East based philanthropist Okwuluora Ndi Igbo, who paid the sick boy a visit at the Nnewi Teaching Hospital. He equally raised more awareness through his social media platform, and called for donations to save the teenage boy’s life.

Then followed by series of medical test sponsored by Okwuluora, it was discovered that it wasn’t actually kidney failure.

According to Okwuluora, after the series of medical test, it was discovered that the boy has a medical condition known as Nephrotic Syndrome. He blamed lack of funds for the inability of the boy’s parents to have carried out proper medical tests early enough to ascertain the exact health condition of their ailing son.

In a post made via his personal Facebook page, Okwuluora wrote, “JESUS IGWE!!! Remember the boy from Nnobi we visited at Nnewi Teaching Hospital! He is 90% fine now. After series of Tests! It wasn’t K1dney failure but Nephrotic Syndrome! Lack of money never allowed them do adequate Test”.

Going further, Okwuluora added, “now HE is going to Hospital from home! All thanks to you for donating millions to them! I am happy! I am so now! God bless”.

About Nephrotic Syndrome: This is a condition in which your kidney is not working properly, but not a kidney failure.

This is basically a health condition in which your kidney releases excessive protein into your urine and less protein in your blood. Symptoms could range from abdominal pains, swollen legs, feet, ankles, and may also occur in your face and hands. Others include loss of appetite, foamy urine, feeling sick, etc.

Then there are other symptoms like high fat and cholesterol in your blood, low level of albumin in your blood, large or excessive deposit of protein in your urine as well.

Without proper and timely treatment, this could affect the patient’s life expectancy due to secondary complications.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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