Many Unanswered Questions As One Of Conjoined Twins, Abby Is Now Married To a U.S Army Veteran šŸ˜±

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For the past few days, the conjoined twins, Abby and her sister Brittany Hensel has been trending online. This is because one of the conjoined twins, Abby Hensel is revealed to have married to a nurse and veteran U.S army Josh Bowling. Though they have been married since 2021, but the news was only made known to the public few days ago.

While many people have been celebrating and congratulating the 34 year old Abby, many comments and reactions regarding their marriage have actually left millions of people in the dark, struggling to find the right answers to both their answers and curiosities.

First of all, it is important to note that the twins share some human organs together, precisely organs below the waist line, like the private part, etc. So the question now is, how do they manage to cope in the face of such difficult challenges?

During intercourse, it is obvious both of them will be dragged along since they share same sex organ. So, while Abby and her husband would be making out, precisely during foreplay, romance and love making, what then would be the situation of things with Brittany? Does it mean she will just be laying there on her own, unaffected and not drawn into the tempting activities of her twin sister and the hubby?

Then when it comes to pregnancy, who then will be carrying the pregnancy since they share one sex organ together? How then will it be determined where the sperm is flowing into; is it into the body system of Abby or Brittany? On a very serious note, this is a very complicated situation and will definitely pose a serious headache to both the twins and the husband of one of them.

On the other hand, what if Brittany finally gets a man to marry her, how then will they solve some of these entanglements? Does it mean the husband to Brittany will have to start living with Abby and her hubby in the same apartment? If yes, does it equally mean all four will be on the same bed at night as couples will love to spend night together?

On a more serious note, is it not better the twins are left alone without the involvement of either a husband or man figure in their love lives? Yes, as that will sure give them more peace, less stress and headache.

Or on better, the man should have just married both and save everyone subsequent stress and headache as mentioned above. Yes, that would have instantly resolved most of the issues raised here, else, the other twin, Brittany has actually made up her mind to make all the sacrifices, especially by never going to be married like her sister.

Because there’s a greater problem on their way if Brittany decides to get married tomorrow, and probably her husband want them to have a separate apartment from Abby and her husband. Then, how will they ever cope in the face of such a challenge? Besides, some persons even asked, how Brittany is going to cope in the face of all the romantic stuffs her sister Abby and her hubby are gonna be doing right under her nose.

Somethings are just better imagined to being experienced!



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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