Frustrated SA Lady Cries Out For Help As Her Baby Daddy Won’t Stop Tormenting Her Life, As Police Refused To Help Her!

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A certain South African based woman simply identified by her X (formerly Twitter) name as Lavida Queen has cried out for help following the physical assaults she receives from the father of her child.

She revealed how she has been running for her dear life as the said abusive man won’t let her breathe. He has constantly equally stalks her online, spreading all sorts of defamatory stories about her, all in his desperation to get at her at all cost, for dumping him and his abusive character.

She also alleged how he sometime ago broke into her house and stole her stuffs, including shoes, clothes, bags, hairs, and some other items for sale, and has never returned them till date. She also lamented how he would keep sending threatening messages to her with different WhatsApp numbers, after she must have blocked the previous ones he used in chatting her up.

Sadly, she stated how the police have failed to put up any meaningful action over the matter, stating that the other that he beat her up, which was when she sustained the black eye, that the police were invited but they didn’t arrest the abusive man. Surprisingly, the police only asked her to go stay in one of her friend’s house, and that’s all the SA police could offer.

She revealed also, that she has relocated three times in 2023, as he would end up locating her new apartment and continuing troubling her life. And she was particularly disturbed about the fact that he won’t stop spreading fake news and lies about her, including that she left him so she could have the chance to go into prostitution, of which she refuted as lies, making it clear that she only left coz of his unrepentant abusive character and lifestyle.

Meanwhile, one of those who have reacted to the story took it upon himself to reach to the alleged abusive young man, as the she had shared his WhatsApp number online. The man claimed that he was only defending himself as she too had gone violent during when they have issues, including trying to stab him, dragging his manhood, slapping him.

“So I should let her kill me and rain slap on me, or stab me to death, or drag off my d!ck?” The alleged abusive man wrote.

On the tooth bites on her body, he claimed that he had to bite her in other to force her to free him, as he did not want to hit her anymore.

“as a man before I had to bite her, I didn’t want to hit her on the face because of past fight and I decided to bite her so I can get free from her,” he further stated. He was equally urged to post his own side of the story, since her own story is already getting increasing sympathy from the public.

While some have called for both side of the story to be heard before taking side, some others have actually come hard on the man, making all sorts of unsavoury remarks about him. Some equally asked the lady to share video evidences to back up her allegations, as it could be possible that it wasn’t the man she posted that did all that to her. Though that sounds funny, which hand would she have used in making videos at such moments?

The only thing I have to say in the whole story is that, there’s no justification for physically assaulting anyone, except you are only attempting to defend your life. Secondly, I really want to understand what the man is still fighting to achieve; to get back his woman or what? Because it is obvious that this two cannot co-exist as lovers or couples, and looking at things also, the love and bond that used to hold them together has been shattered.

As such, the best thing they should do for each other is to separate and go their separate ways.

(Photo credit: X/Lavida Queen)



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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