Our Bed Still Shakes Everyday- Wife Reveals As She Celebrates Marriage Anniversary With Her Lovely Husband!

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When you see a woman who is truly happy in her marriage and equally found joy and peace of mind in the man she’s married to, you don’t need a prophet or soothsayer to tell you, and one such women is Princess Jemaimah.

While marking their marriage anniversary, she lavished the most beautiful, sweetest and heartwarming words on her lifetime partner, thanking him for helping her become a better person, while equally describing her husband as her best reward from God.

She also revealed that she and her hubby still hold hands together, pray together and that they bed still shakes almost everyday, signifying that their romantic moments is still intact in their beautiful marriage.

We are still holding hands, still praying together & our bed is still shaking almost daily. I love you bro Leviticus, you are my greatest reward from God

Thank you for helping me become a better person. Daddy Havilah, Daddy Judah, let’s do forever together my knight in shining armour. Happy anniversary my crown, I love you sir,” she wrote

Without being told, this are typical words from a any woman who is truly happily married, and whose husband has equally become her best friend.

It is always a thing of joy and encouragement when we see beautiful marriages like this, especially in a world were most marriages barely see the next day.

Well, we join you and others in wishing this beautiful marriage greater years ahead!



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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