20 Year-Old Nigerian Student Served Hot Breakfast From His Girlfriend Days After Lavishing 1.5M On Her!

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Some times the kind of story one comes across in this part of the world makes you question God, for the kind of ingredients he used in the making of the brain of some people.

How can you as a young man, struggling and your family struggling as well, have the mind to be lavishing money on a woman who is just a mere girlfriend, not even your wife, sister, family relationship, etc? Do you really have sense at all?

Now, premium tears has become the reward for this young man identified simply as Onuh, a student of Kogi State University, KSU. He was said to have gone ahead to lavish the sum on one million five hundred thousand Naira (1.5m) on his girlfriend, during her recent graduation from the university.

From our investigation, the girl in question was not faithful to Onuh, as such, she was caught lodged into a hotel with another man. She’s said to have used money from the 1.5 million Naira he gave her to pay for the hotel bill.

This boy in question is about 20-21 years old, and whose mom is alleged to be selling roasted corn by the road side in Ayingba, Kogi State. But you have the mind to spend such a huge sum on your girlfriend, in the name of celebrating her graduation. Are you really okay?

Meanwhile, I bet you, if you dig deeper, you will find out that he must have made the money through illegitimate means, because no sane person who works so hard and diligently to make his money will spend it in that crazy manner. I have never seen such.

Meanwhile, your family feeds from hand to mouth, while their son whom for his sake, the family may starve just to gather enough money for his education.

But here he is, being a boss man to his girlfriend, while his mother inhales dust and smoke, both from the road and charcoal fire, enduring the hurtful heat radiation from roasting corn.

Sadly, it is not just about Onuh, it is a common trait among young people of today. See you them driving expensive cars with their girlfriend, lodging from one hotel to another with her, eating whatever they wish to.

But his people back home can’t even afford two square meals in a day. His people back home are engaged in all sorts of dirty jobs just to make ends meet. Just continue with that madness, the daughters of Eve will always serve you all some tasteless breakfasts.

As for Onuh, enjoy your reward for stupidity! You only reaped what you used your hands to sow. I know many other are on the same lane out there, just continue, when your own rewards comes knocking at your door, kindly enjoy it alone, do not come to social media to bother our lives for whatever reason.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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